Health Care & Benefits Division

Healthy Weight Incentive

Earn a $200 Healthy Weight Incentive!  

  • The Healthy Weight Incentive is available annually to members of the State Plan and their covered spouse/domestic partner who complete an eligible program and meet the Healthy Weight Incentive requirements.
  • Only one Healthy Weight Incentive can be earned per member per plan year.  
  • Choose which of the programs best fits your needs - you don't need to do all three programs! 
  • Be sure to read through the information below (including the required form) completely to understand how the Healthy Weight Incentive works.  It is a large committment of time and effort.

Healthy Weight Incentive Requirements 

Preregistration is not required, only return the application and required documentation once you have met the requirements.

  1. Must show proof of 10% weight loss or a normal BMI.  Documentation of this must come from a third party (i.e. not the member).  An example is weight measurements from a health screening or doctor’s office.  The weight loss (as necessary) does not need to happen during your participation in an eligible program, but it does need to happen within 2 years of participating in the eligible program.  
  2. Must show participation in one of the three eligible programs for at least 4 months.  This is NOT a recommendation or limitation on how long members should participate in the programs, as most are longer duration.  This is a minimum requirement to be able to apply to earn the Healthy Weight Incentive.  Each member is encouraged to complete the programs and stay enrolled as long as they need to.  Documentation for this varies depending on the program you choose, see your chosen program's application form.  
  3. Must show participation in regular physical activity. Documentation of this may be self-reported from the member. An example is a hand-written note describing a typical week of activity. 
    1. Check out the Walk With Ease program, which is an excellent program for those with chronic conditions or beginning exercisers.
    2. You can find more resources for physical activity on our Food and Exercise Planning web page. 
  4. Complete and return the Healthy Weight Incentive application form (specific to the eligible program) AFTER you have met the program requirements and are ready to apply for the Incentive.  The form must be returned in a timely manner.
  5. Retirees must also fill out and return the W-9 form.  The form is required for retirees since this is a taxable benefit. 

Each program is different. Please review the information about each program and decide which, if any, will work for you. More examples of kinds of documentation that qualify is included on the application forms (under the "Healthy Weight Incentive Forms" section). 

Eligible Healthy Weight Incentive Programs

Healthy Weight Incentive Application Forms
Download the application form for the eligible program of your choice to learn more about how to earn the Healthy Weight Incentive specifically for that program. 

Preregistration is not required. Return this form and documentation once you have met the requirements.  To earn the Healthy Weight Incentive, fill out and return the Incentive Application form along with required documentation.


Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) Additional Information

The Montana DPP is a one-year program that supports healthy lifestyle changes for adults who are at risk for developing type 2 diabetes. Trained lifestyle coaches deliver the program through group meetings at 19 organizations across the state or virtually (see "New in 2022," below).  Participants gain confidence and learn new life skills.  

Diabetes Prevention Program Overview

Adults are eligible to participate in the DPP if they are overweight, have medical clearance, and have one or more of the following risk factors:

  • Pre-diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • High LDL cholesterol, low HDL cholesterol, or high triglycerides
  • Had gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) or delivered a baby >9 lbs.

You will attend 1-hour group classes for a 16-week series of nutrition and physical activity classes and then 6 monthly classes. You will learn how to make better food choices, be more active, and manage stress or other challenges to help you lose weight.

If you are interested in a in-person program, you can find locations of Diabetes Prevention Programs in Montana by clicking on the "Find a DPP Site" tab.  Please contact a DPP site in your area for details on costs or program start dates. 

The DPP is available virtually!  

  • The Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services has partnered with HabitNU to give Montana residents access to the DPP virtually!
  • Participants can easily determine if they are eligible to participate by filling out a short online quiz:
  • There is flexibility in how individuals participate. The virtual program is a combination of live webinar sessions and weekly videos with additional resources.  ​
  • Participants are able choose from 5 different program options for the one that fits their lifestyle or timeframe of enrollment best.
  • There are no geographic limitations, State Plan members located in Montana can enroll with any of the virtual program "locations."

For more information on the virtual DPP program (HabitNu) enrollment, or the DPP in general, please email Ann Lanes at  You may also visit the DPP web site here: 


Why a Healthy Weight Incentive?

Weight management is the one of the most important issues that we, the Plan members, want to address.  The Healthy Weight Incentive requirements were set based on scientific evidence that shows the greatest rewards for our members and our Plan comes with support from an evidence-based program, regular physical activity, and weight loss of at least 10% (or achieving a normal BMI).  The Healthy Weight Incentive is designed to reward members who have put forth the effort needed to achieve the requirements.  

Please use your discretion when considering the information provided in these programs and talk to your doctor as needed prior to making any changes. 


The State Plan offers the incentive program to all enrolled employees (for the purpose of this disclaimer employees includes active employees, retirees, legislators, and primary COBRA participants) and their enrolled spouse/domestic partner.  If you choose to participate in the incentive program, you will be asked to complete a voluntary program and provide documentation of meeting the incentive requirements. You will also be asked to obtain voluntary measurements from your health care provider (e.g. BMI). If you choose to participate, you will receive an off-cycle paycheck to the primary plan member, which is subject to taxes. If you are unable to participate in any of the health-related activities of the incentive program, you may qualify for a reasonable accommodation to earn the incentive. To request an accommodation, contact the Health Care & Benefits Division (HCBD) at (800) 287-8266, TTY (406) 444-1421, or email  The information collected from your health-related activities will be used to determine your eligibility to earn the incentive.  We are required by law to maintain the privacy and security of your personally identifiable health information. For more information, review the Plan’s Notice of Practices