Health Care & Benefits Division

Prenatal Benefits

The State of Montana Benefit Plan (State Plan) provides benefits for pregnancy and maternity services under the medical plan administered by BlueCross and BlueShield of Montana.

Get Connected As Early As Possible

  • Make an appointment with a healthcare provider as soon as you know you are pregnant 
  • Consider taking a prenatal vitamin
  • Be sure to take care of yourself mentally as well as physically; depression, anxiety, and other mental issues are very common and can be addressed.

Preventable complications of pregnancy and childbirth are on the rise in Montana.  Let's stop this heartbreaking trend and get the word out - getting early and routine medical care during pregnancy (prenatal care) can help you or a loved one have a healthier pregnancy and healthier baby

It’s important to seek prenatal care even if you feel well.  Your partner or support person is welcome at your prenatal visits too!

We know all families experience pregnancy differently.  If you are experiencing mental health issues such as depression or anxiety from pregnancy, infertility, or pregnancy loss, talk to your healthcare provider and consider using the support resources listed below.

If you get a call from BlueCross & BlueShield of Montana (BCBSMT), they are calling to help you take good care of your health.  Please answer or call them back.

For More Information

BCBSMT - Medical benefits & claims, Ovia apps, case management, Nurseline, find an in-network provider
(888) 901-4989
TTY 711


Health Care & Benefits Division - All State Plan benefits
(800) 287-8266
TTY (406) 444-1421



Prenatal (Maternity) Resources