Health Care & Benefits Division

Health Coaching

3 Options for Health Coaching

1. Premise Montana Health Centers Take advantage of unlimited, NO out of pocket cost access to a Registered Dietitian, Exercise Health Coach, Licensed Counselor, and Coordinated Care Manager at the Health Centers! 

  • This option is available to active plan members, Non-Medicare eligible retirees, spouses, and/or domestic partners.
  • Choose a telephone, virtual (with video), or in-person visit.  
  • Montana Health Center health coaches can work with your provider and other coaches to provide seamless care for your health needs. 
  • Click here to visit the Montana Health Center web site for more information or call (855) 200-6822
2. Dietary/nutrition or diabetes education sessions from a participating provider (CDE, registered dietitian, doctor, nurse practitioner, etc.) in your area.
  • This option is available to all plan members including Medicare-eligible plan members.  
  • This is usually an in-person visit.
  • Call Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Montana at (888) 901-4989 if you need help finding a Participating Provider. 
  • This benefit is limited to twenty (20) visits in a plan year if a member has not received training and education previously.  In subsequent years, members who have exhausted the initial twenty (20) visits may have up to twelve (12) visits of follow-up education per plan year.  This is the total benefit, a new diagnosis does not restart the visit count.  
3. Any State Plan member can contact the HCBD Wellness Program Manager at (800) 287-8266 for health coaching related to diet, exercise, or lifestyle changes. 
  • The Wellness Program Manager can also assist with questions about which health coaching option will work best for your needs.