Health Care & Benefits Division


Long Term Disability (LTD) Insurance

BlueCross BlueShield of Montana (BCBSMT) provides fully insured Long Term Disability (LTD) insurance for the State Plan. LTD is an insurance plan that pays a monthly benefit to you if you cannot work because of a covered illness or injury. This benefit replaces a portion of your income, helping you with financial costs in a time of need.

LTD is available to active employees who are enrolled in the Medical Plan. Retirees, Legislators, and COBRA participants are not eligible to participate. New hires may enroll within 31-days of their date of hire without Evidence of Insurability (EOI). Enrollment at any other time requires EOI.   


2025 LTD rate

$8.46 per employee per month regardless of age or income level. The premium will be taken from your pay after tax in order to maximize the benefit should you ever need it. By paying LTD premiums after tax, benefits can be paid out tax free.


Evidence of Insurability (EOI)

EOI is also known as "evidence of good health". It's the process that determines if you are eligible for LTD. Depending upon when you enroll for coverage you may be required to complete EOI prior to coverage becoming effective. 


How to Submit EOI

EOI requests are submitted to BCBSMT using one of the following methods: 
  • Print and fill out the EOI form then submit to BlueCross BlueShield of Montana, Attn: Medical Underwriting Department, PO Box 7072, Downers Grove, IL 60515.
    • Insurance Group #F026969

Benefit waiting period

The monthly LTD benefit is 60% of your insured pre-disability earnings—the amount you were earning before you became disabled—reduced by deductible income.


Benefit Duration

If you become disabled and your claim for LTD benefits is approved, LTD benefits are payable after you have been continuously disabled for 180 days and remain continuously disabled. LTD benefits are not payable during this benefit waiting period. 


Claiming Benefits

BCBSMT offers the ability for you to submit and manage your LTD claims online through its self-service tool, My Benefits. Click for more information on how to register and submit LTD claims

See the LTD Certificate for complete details. The controlling provisions are the group policies issued by BCBSMT.








Dearborn Life Insurance Company doing business as: 
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Montana

Phone: (866) 739-4090

Submit Paper EOI Forms To: 
BlueCross BlueShield of Montana
Attn: Medical Underwriting Department
PO Box 7072
Downers Grove, IL 60515
Fax: (855) 691-7157

Insurance Group Number: F026969

For claims related questions, contact HCBD at (800) 287-8266 or